S. Turquoise Jewelry Molding Rubber

Satek S. Turquoise Jewelry Molding Rubber:

Satek Jewelry Molding Rubbers make quality molds that are tough and strong

Satek offer quality Jewelry Molding Rubber at the most competitive prices.

SATEK has activities to sustain its customers with silicone paste that can be manufactured in any scale, form and strength according to the costumer’s order.

The model to be embedded in Satek Jewelry Molding Rubber must be perfectly clean and dry for production of the best possible molds

Jewelry Molding Rubber gives waxes a smooth, shiny finish that won’t stick to the mold and shiny waxes mean less finishing

S. Turquoise Jewelry Rubber

The required vulcanization time prolongs with increasing thickness of the rubber layer.

The factors that affect the shrinkage rate of the rubber compound: the higher the curing temperature, the greater the shrinkage rate. In general, the temperature of each increase of 10 degrees C, the shrinkage rate increased by 0.2% ~ 0.5%

Safe temperature: 65°C longer than 20 minutes

Typical temperature: 90°C about 12 minutes.

  • Hardness: 49 Shore
  • Vulcanization Temp.: 80 C
  • Vulcanization Time: 20 minutes
  • Shrinkage: % 1-2